Monday, January 23, 2012

The Hardest Part...

Many of us are stuck, for a variety of reasons. And we all have our different sticking points.

For me, the worst thing, the hardest part of the journey has been to forgive myself.

I carry around past regrets like a burning in my solar plexus. And the worst regrets are the unkind ways i have treated certain people in my life.

There are always extenating circumstances, chances to blame others, but the path to salvation to me seems to be to first own what we have done, & find a way to move away from it so we can travel onward and upward.

Nothing in life we have done is so amazing it deserves to be reviewed constantly, and carried around our neck like an albatross.

So why should we carry around our past misery?

What do you regret?

Name it- own it if need be, take responsibility for it- then let it go.

Forgive yourself first, that you might better forgive others.

Love yourself first, that you might love others better.

And I'll do the same.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My new home...

I have lived in a run down old shack by the toxic waste dump for long enough. It has been a place of fear, deception, self loathing and hatred.

I am moving to a better part of town.

It's a bigger brighter home- needs a little work- but like a friend of mine used to say, 'it has good bones'.

And in the House of Love and Forgiveness...everybody is welcome!