Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Make mistakes.

Make ALL of them.

And don't worry if you made all the mistakes you were warned against.

"EVERY mistake in the book."

Because a mistake is MEANINGLESS until YOU have made it.

And most importantly, stop riding yourself for these mistakes.

Apart from the obvious health hazards of berating yourself...who on earth said that making a lot of silly mistakes is not what we were put on the planet for?

What else is human civilization but a giant collection of silly mistakes in an orderly pattern??

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

True Love.

I realise now it is virtually impossible to love others until you learn to love yourself.

The question is, how do we love ourselves?

I don't think many of us were ever taught how. Not really.

And an absence of love in ones life leads inevitably to a state of hate.

Many have asked- & i am one of them- "how do i love myself"??

Some of us TRY to do it, but it is not really love; it is more like self interest, selfishness, or being 'up oneself'.

This is not love.

So how then do we love ourselves?

In my opinion, one of the impediements to true, authentic self love is our habit of being hard on ourselves.

The way we punish ourselves, judge ourselves, berate ourselves for every little transgression.

You cannot love yourself- or anyone else- while you are roasting yourself over the fire of your failures, your shortcomings, or your past 'sins' & iniquities.

This will only lead to more of the same.

The first step to loving yourself, is to LET GO of this negative self harm. Just let it go.

We are so interenched in this fowl habit, it will take many of us a great deal of time to let go effectively, but do it we must.

For to love- to truly love- there is no other way.

Let go of self punishment.

Just let go.

Let the negative self harming thoughts that assail you in the darkest night dissolve like aspirin in a glass of water.

In time, that fizzy lump will dissolve that you might see clearly.

And in that clarity, love will grow.

For yourself first, & then for others.

True love...

Monday, March 19, 2012

I asked...

I asked the wind how to love better, and she gently whispered in reply, "Be Love Now."